Possible Power Pivot Training in Brisbane
13 July 2016

You may have noticed the number of training courses we offer has reduced recently. This is for the simple reason we have been dedicating all of our available resource to the new online training launching later this year. It will ramp up again soon, we promise!
In the meantime, we have had several requests to run an ad hoc two-day Power Pivot training course in Brisbane in the very near future (either late July or else August). If we can get the numbers, we’d be delighted.
Suggested course
Developed for Excel 2010 and enhanced for 2013 and 2016, Power Pivot is a data analysis tool that delivers unmatched computational power. This suggested course illustrates how you can generate rich and interactive Power Pivot analysis tools that look like they have spent weeks in development. In short, this is deeper business insight in a fraction of the time using familiar Excel tools.
This two-day course assumes little pre-existing knowledge, developing a sophisticated case study exploiting many of PowerPivot's powerful tools and functionalities from a standing start. Using hands-on examples throughout, you will learn how to convert mountains of data into key business information economically.
Key benefits:
- Understand how Power Pivot builds on the functionality of Excel’s native tools, such as PivotTables, slicers and key analytical functions
- Be able to import data from a variety of electronic sources and relate them quickly to deliver key information in minutes not weeks
- Derive best practice database design, realising the power of the Data Model by using LOOKUP lists and efficient database design
- Provides an introduction to Power Pivot’s Data Analysis eXpressions (DAX) language.
This is a suggested course only. If you’re interested and would like to tailor it, we’re happy to have a chat – but we need to know soon. All expressions of interest should be emailed to us at training@sumproduct.com by no later than Wednesday 20 July.