Power BI Blog: Custom URLs in Table Visualisations
6 February 2019
Welcome back to this week’s Power BI blog series. This week, we take a look at how to add custom URL links into Table values.
Last month Microsoft rolled out several new features to Power BI. One of those features is the ability to add hyperlinks or URLs in a Table visualisation. In order for us to insert a hyperlink into the visualisation, we have organised the URLs to be contained in a column of the data.
For this example, we are going to look at the following data:

After importing the data into Power BI and forming some housekeeping with the data, we can create a simple Table visualisation:

With the table visualisation selected, if we go to the Format tab and click on the ‘Conditional Formatting’ option we can see the new ‘Web URL’ option:

We can toggle the ‘Web URL’ option to On, this will bring up a new dialog box where we can specify which URL to use. Note that previously we had the URLs added to our dataset in a new column, therefore we can just link that URL to the table in this dialog:

Each of the table headings are now hyperlinks to their respective URLs:

Clicking on the URLs will open a web browser with the URL address opened:

Clicking on another country will open the respective country profile page:

Just another level of user interactivity built into Power BI.
That’s it for this week, come back next week for more Power BI!
In the meantime, please remember we offer training in Power BI which you can find out more about here. If you wish to catch up on past articles, you can find all of our past Power BI blogs here.