Power BI Blog: Publishing to Teams
7 February 2019
This is the final segment of our Teams project – how do we get our data from Power BI back into Teams?
The last thing we did was a simple chart on a report page. This automatically updated once we waiting for our data in Excel to be refreshed into Power BI. Now, the task is to get that report back into Teams, to complete the full circle.
Firstly, let’s head back into Teams. We can navigate back to the general channel that we’re working with.

Here, we can add a new tab to the channel, next to Conversations, Files and Wiki. Click on the “+” icon to add a new tab. There are quite the range of tabs to use, including planners, forms, websites, but the key one we want to use is Power BI.

Clicking on Power BI allows you to search through your workspaces and find reports that you want to include. Select the report you want to share, and click Save:

Then, once you complete that step, your report will appear in the channel for all authorised people to see:

There you go! We’ve come about full circle now. Hopefully, the last few blogs have shown you how easy it is to set up Teams, use the SharePoint file structure to share data and connect it to Power BI, and easily refresh and bring the data back into Teams. This is going to end our Teams side-track – let us know what you thought at contact@sumproduct.com, as well as any other Power BI related things you want to hear about. See you next week!