VBA Blogs: Wending down the hill Until you Do
16 March 2018

Last week we looked at For Each…Next loops – but this time let’s have a look at While Wend loops.
The syntax is very simple:
While condition
The condition must result in a Boolean value of True or False.
While tests the condition and if it is True then proceeds to execute the statements inside the loop. While loops are preferred over For loops when the number of iterations is unknown. For example, modelling how many days it takes to reach sales a target, or running through a worksheet column until it reaches an empty cell.
An example: Jack and Jill go up a hill, but they might go tumbling down at any point. Assume the probability of falling down with any step is 30% and independent of any steps previously taken. Let’s model how many steps it takes for them to fall down. What needs to be done?
- Take a step
- Assess the probability if they have fallen down or not
- Repeat if they haven’t.

Notice how our condition is tested first – this means that the code will not run at all if the condition is not met. FallenDown is a Boolean value, the While statement can be used as the condition.
While FallenDown
This is equivalent to saying:
While FallenDown = True
FallenDown was initially set to be False. Using FallenDown as the condition for the loop would mean that Jack & Jill would never set foot on the hill.
While Wend loops are a remnant from the BASIC programming language and remains as a form of backwards compatibility. Using a Do...Loop statement is preferred.
Loop back next week explore why these are superior to While Wend.