Amazin' Amazon Book
5 September 2018
Finally! Kudos to the team as we have finally got our proverbials together and listed Introduction to Financial Modelling on Amazon (so far, listed on the Australian website but we are working on others!).
This book was instigated by the author, Excel MVP Liam Bastick's belief that there was no definitive book on the market to show would-be modellers how to initiate development of a three-way integrated financial model. it takes readers through what are the key Excel functions and features (and why), and then explains the rationale of why a model should be built in a particular way in a particular order. Liam has built models for over 30 years now and wants to share the secrets of Keep It Simple Stupid!
Based on many of our training courses, this simple book explains how to avoid many of the trials, traps, tribulations and pitfalls of modelling in a structured, concise and transparent manner. The Table of Contents is detailed here.
Although aimed at those with just some knowledge of accounting / finance and Excel, even more advanced users have provided the feedback, "...I wish someone had shown me this when I first started out".
For those who would rather order it directly, it can still be purchased from us too, simply drop us a line at for more details.