Bulgaria Excel Days Not Confused
11 November 2017
This one has only just come onto our radar, so apologies for the short notice. The event, championed by local MVP Boriana Petrova, is to be held on Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 November. It will be the first of its kind in Bulgaria and is dedicated to various lecture sessions on the latest trends and practices in using Microsoft Excel, VBA and Power BI in business.
The first day is a conference with the participation of lecturers from Bulgaria and abroad, all of them Microsoft MVP’s for Excel and Data Platform – Henk Vlootman (Netherlands), Professor Hervé Thiriez (France), Charles Williams (United Kingdom), Gašper Kamenšek (Slovenia) and more. As a special keynote speaker, they have an esteemed representative from Microsoft’s Excel Team from Microsoft in Redmond, USA, Guy Hunkin. We know Guy, and he is one of their best.
The second day will be a Power BI for Excel Masterclass led by regular cohort Ken Puls, Microsoft MVP from Canada. We'd love to be there, but we are in Brisbane, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, South Africa and Sydney. So we send our best wishes instead.
You can find out more at the official website here, which even provides directions. Apparently, there's a bus...