Custom Functions in Excel using Developer Preview and JavaScript
18 December 2017
Excel 2016 now supports custom functions in JavaScript, albeit in Developer Preview.
Custom functions, similar to user-defined functions (UDFs) are JavaScript functions that you can build as part of an add-in. Users can see and run those functions in Excel alongside built-in functions like =SUMPRODUCT or =OFFSET. Whilst the Developer Preview is only available on Windows for now, all is not lost – once created, these functions will work everywhere add-ins do: on your PC, Mac, and iPad and even in Excel Online. Take that, VBA!
Microsoft offers a simple example to add 42 to two numbers:
function add42(num1, num2) {
return num1 + num2 + 42;
A more complex version is shown in our image!
JavaScript does appear to be out to usurp VBA. Examples can be found online to demonstrate its prowess such as:
- Calculate mathematical operations, e.g. whether a number is prime or co-prime
- Fetch information from the web, like a bank account balance
- Stream live data, like a stock price.
You can find various examples here.