February 2023 Updates for Power BI
16 February 2023
This latest set of updates see TypeScript support added in the developer playground sandbox and several new formatting features amongst other tweaks.

The full list is as follows:
- Conditional formatting based on string fields
- Smart Narrative visual summary icon
- Formatting image width in table and matrix
- Update your base theme in Power BI
- Report theme validation on custom theme import
- Text box visual indentation
- New accessible report themes
- Customise visible pages in the Page navigator visual
- Sensitivity labels now supported in PDF export from Desktop in Preview
- Enhanced Row Level Security editor in Preview
- Quick Create SDK
- New DAX functions: LINEST and LINESTX
Data connectivity
- Denodo (connector update)
- Digital Construction Works Insights (connector update)
- Profisee (connector update)
- Cosmos DB V2 (connector update)
- New ‘Get Data’ experience in Power BI Service
- Compact view
- Linked metrics
- Follow metric
Paginated reports
- Paginated Reports Formatted Table authoring experience
- Create a Paginated Report from a datamart
- Capacity planning for Paginated Reports
- TypeScript support in the playground developer sandbox
- New visuals in AppSource
- Milestone Trend Analysis Chart by Nova Silva
- Multiple Sparklines
- Inforiver Charts 2.1 is now Microsoft Power BI certified
- accoPLANNING by Accobat
- Drill Down Donut PRO by ZoomCharts.
As always, we'll be detailing these updates in our March newsletter. Please remember we have virtual / online training in Power BI which you can find out more about here. If you are not already a subscriber, why not sign up at the bottom of any SumProduct web page? And don't forget to download the latest version of Power BI Desktop here too.