June 2022 Updates for Power BI
20 June 2022
The latest set of updates finally sees the General Availability of the new Format Pane, plus error bars and information protection updates, table navigation improvements, Connect to datamarts and Power BI Data Storytelling features. But, as always (and of course!), there’s more.

The full list is as follows:
- New Format Pane now Generally Available
- Updates to error bars in Preview
- Information protection updates
- Table navigation improvements
- Canvas Zoom in Teams and Quick create
- Composite models on SQL Server Analysis Services
Data connectivity and preparation
- Connect to Datamarts in Preview
- Anaplan (Connector Update)
- Azure Databricks (Connector Update)
- Databricks (New Connector)
- Dremio Cloud (Connector Update)
- FactSet Analytics (Connector Update)
- Hexagon PPM Smart API (Connector Update)
- SingleStore (New Connector)
- Snowflake (Connector Update)
- Vessel Insight (Connector Update)
- Workplace Analytics / Viva Insights (Connector Update)
- Power BI Data Storytelling
- Announcing the Data Hub
- Power BI Metrics updates
Embedded Analytics
- Hierarchy slicers support in JS APIs
- Support embedding Paginated Report with data sources containing single sign on (SSO)
- Support passing report parameters for Paginated Reports in JS SDK
- DirectQuery for Power BI datasets is now supported in Power BI Embedded
- Service principal profile
- Define the privileged permissions your visual is requesting in the capabilities.json
- Improving the custom visual load time
- New visuals in AppSource
- Milestone Trend Analysis Chart by Nova Silva
- Inforiver Premium Edition now certified
- Zebra BI Cards 1.2
- Coming soon: Dataverse Display Name Support
- Power BI Desktop infrastructure update (WebView2)
- Improved support for single sign-on (SSO) for all users.
As always, we'll be detailing these updates in our July newsletter. Please remember we have virtual / online training in Power BI which you can find out more about here. If you are not already a subscriber, why not sign up at the bottom of any SumProduct web page? And don't forget to download the latest version of Power BI Desktop here too.