New Microsoft Feedback Portal
23 November 2021
To replace Excel UserVoice, the software giant has introduced their new Microsoft Feedback portal, where you may submit suggestions about Excel and other Microsoft products, vote and comment on suggestions made by others, and see feedback submitted.
Microsoft states they have “…brought the top ideas over to the Excel forum on the new Feedback portal…”, but there do appear to have been a lot of suggestions go walkabout. The idea is that if you were following the ideas submitted on UserVoice, you should see lots of similar ideas and discussions on the new site.
Getting started with the Feedback portal is fairly straightforward. Just press the Feedback button in Excel, and choose ‘I have a suggestion’.

You’ll be taken to the Excel forum on the Feedback portal, where you may submit new ideas for the community, or participate by voting for existing suggestions, and adding your comments to the conversation.

Users may access the Feedback portal whether they’re on a desktop or mobile device, irrespective of a particular device or form factor. Further, you may also continue sending feedback from within apps, where it is available.
Do note the section called ‘My Feedback’ (click your profile button) where you may view feedback you’ve submitted publicly on the site, or privately from within the applications.

However, if you don’t get taken to the new Feedback site, it may be your organisation may be using a different configuration for how you should provide feedback to Microsoft.
The Preview of Feedback is available for Excel and many other Microsoft apps and services.