VBA Blocking
22 April 2022
Microsoft has recently upped its game with blocking macros. They argue that macro-based malware is on the rise and thus they are blocking macros from more and more external / third party locations. Protected mode seems insufficient as we have noted the following message becoming more and more prevalent when opening files (we have opened time and time again previously!):

Of course, everything to avoid digital nasties is to be applauded, but innocent files are being ensnared too. Trying to enable macros in the usual way through the Trust Center (sic) will not work here. In this instance, close the file and locate it in File Explorer. Then, right-click on the file:

Click on ‘Properties’ (ALT + ENTER), which will produce the following dialog for the selected file:

At this stage, click on Unblock in the bottom right-hand corner of the General tab. The file may now be opened with the option to enable macros restored.
You’re welcome.