What's in Store for Power BI?
13 October 2017
Have we gone overboard on Power BI in the News section just lately? The answer is, "probably", but this is an important one for new users.
Aside from being able to download Power BI Desktop for free from Power BI's website, you can now get it from the Microsoft Store too. Now, that should be a good thing - or so it would seem. But you can get too much of a good thing. If you simply browse casually for Power BI be careful. The Store "helpfully" only makes it third choice as our graphic shows. Many users are reporting that they are downloading the wrong application.
To be fair, the apps are presented on a ranking system and Power BI Desktop is new so it won't be Number 1 in the search - yet. The problem is, the current leader is the mobile app. That's fair enough - IF this actually made it clearer it was the mobile variant. You have been warned!
Do remember we have training in Power BI which you can find out more about here. If you are not already a subscriber, why not sign up at the bottom of any SumProduct web page? And don't forget to download the latest version of Power BI Desktop here too (as well as from the Store!).